Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Look Alikes

People have always said all my kids look alike. In fact their school has told me that they have never seen brothers and sisters look so much alike. I can go into their school see a kid from one of their classes and that kid will know who's mom I am without ever setting eyes on me before. Well I have always seen a little of Jerry in each of our kids, but to us we always said they looked like themselves (Jerrys mom once said this when we were discussing who Alisa looked more like). Well we have never really been able to place Tony to which of us he really looks. That is until yesterday when my sister sent me an old picture of my sisters and myself way back in the day. As soon as I showed Jerry we knew where Tony got his looks from. Even the kids thought it was an old pic of Tony. So I did this little side by side pic the best I could for comparison and from what I can tell, he definitely gets his looks from me!LOL!


Miranda said...

Ha! Yup, right on. Is that a Fraggle shirt? I loved the Fraggles!

Patty said...

I think it is a fraggle rock shirt. i loved them too!